The Shock Index
The Shock Index (SI) is a tool to help identify patients at risk for hypotension in the peri-intubation phase. The patient should receive a focused physical exam and history, if possible, to identify other potential predictors of hypotension.
This SI is not applicable to Pediatric Patients.
Shock Index = Heart Rate / Systolic BP (SI=HR/BP)
Normal Physiology
Shock Index < 1
Shock Physiology
Shock Index > 1
Shock States
- Too big / Too slow / Too fast / Too little / Too inflamed and flow limited
- Obstructive disease (e.g. aortic stenosis, cardiomyopathies, tamponade)
- Acute ischemia
- Extremes of brady/tachycardia
Vessels / Volume
- Volume depletion (e.g. hemorrhage, polyuria, diuretics, limited liquid intake)
- Vasoplegia (e.g. burns, sepsis, cardiogenic, neurogenic shock, severe acidosis)
- Auto-peep (e.g. positive pressure ventilation without adequate exhalation time; severe asthma)
- Pulmonary hypertension/obstruction (e.g. pulmonary hypertension/emboli, tension pneumothorax)